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Whales Pick Monero (XMR) in Their Top 3 Coins

Monero (XMR) is a cryptocurrency that has recently piqued the interest of these whales. In this article, we will look at why Monero has become one of the top three currencies in the eyes of crypto whales, as well as its unique characteristics, regulatory obstacles, and long-term investment potential.

Powerful individuals known as “whales” in the cryptocurrency world have the ability to impact the market with their enormous holdings and smart manoeuvres. These whales, who are frequently institutional investors or wealthy individuals, deliberately select their investment portfolios in order to maximize their profits.

The privacy advantage of Monero

XMR, which gained popularity in 2014, stands out in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector due to its privacy-focused features. Unlike most cryptocurrencies, XMR offers enhanced anonymity and untraceability by utilizing advanced cryptographic techniques. This privacy advantage has attracted a growing number of users who value the confidentiality of their transactions. Experts foresee a surge in Monero’s adoption as privacy becomes a paramount concern in the digital era.

However, XMR has faced increasing scrutiny from regulators in recent years. Concerns over its potential misuse in illicit activities have led several crypto exchanges, including Binance, Kraken, Huobi, and Bittrex, to delist Monero and similar privacy coins from their platforms. As a result, the price of XMR experienced a decline, reaching a low of $146 in September. Despite these challenges, analysts predict a price recovery to $170 in the coming months, driven by the continued demand for privacy-focused cryptocurrencies.

The Significance of Whales’ Holdings in Monero

The interest of crypto whales in XMR holds significant implications for the cryptocurrency market. Whales, with their substantial holdings and market influence, serve as key indicators of the investment potential of a particular coin. Their decision to include XMR in their top three coins underscores the perceived value and long-term prospects of this privacy-focused cryptocurrency.

The presence of whales in the Monero ecosystem can contribute to increased liquidity and market stability. Whales often engage in strategic buying and selling, which can mitigate extreme price volatility and create a more favourable environment for smaller investors. Furthermore, the support of whales can attract broader attention to Monero, fostering adoption and contributing to its overall growth.


Cryptocurrency whales, with their significant holdings and market influence, play a pivotal role in shaping the cryptocurrency landscape. Monero’s emergence as one of the top three coins in the eyes of these whales highlights the value of its privacy-focused features and its long-term investment potential. Despite regulatory challenges and price fluctuations, Monero’s unique attributes continue to attract attention and position it as a leading privacy coin in the decentralized finance sector.



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