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Bitcoin And Crypto: Keeping All Eyes Peeled

Traditional financial institutions’ views on digital assets like Bitcoin (BTC) and the larger cryptocurrency industry have undergone a substantial change in recent years, which has had a big impact on the cryptocurrency market. What was formerly viewed as a speculative and dangerous investment is now attracting the interest of significant figures in the financial industry. This article examines the reasons behind traditional financial institutions’ interest in BTC and cryptocurrencies, as well as how Bitcoin has affected the wider crypto community and the attention it has received

BTC as the Gateway for Institutions

The biggest cryptocurrency by market cap, Bitcoin, has become the main entry point for institutional investors looking to enter the cryptocurrency industry. Institutions currently own about 6.47% of all BTC that will ever exist as of June 2022. This includes sovereign nations like El Salvador and ETFs like VanEck in Canada. Because of its popularity and acceptance as a store of wealth, institutions wishing to diversify their portfolios frequently choose BTC.

Institutional Bitcoin Holdings and Investments

Significant investments in Bitcoin have been made by a number of well-known institutions. A $250 million BTC purchase by MicroStrategy, coordinated by BTC maximalist Michael Saylor, made news in August 2020. Other noteworthy investors include electric vehicle maker Tesla, who invested $1.5 billion in Bitcoin, and payment processor Square, which spent $50 million on BTC purchases.

Institutions of traditional finance also look at covert ways to get involved with Bitcoin. ETFs are a popular way for institutions to make indirect investments in BTC. Institutional investors have access to tools like the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust that allow them to track the price of BTC even if Bitcoin spot ETFs are still not authorized in the US.

Bitcoin in Retirement Strategies

Another new development is the incorporation of BTC into retirement plans. The biggest 401(k) provider in the US, Fidelity Investments, now provides exposure to BTC through its 401(k) plans. Americans are now able to purchase BTC using their retirement funds, subject to employer clearance.

Collaborations between DeFi and Traditional Finance

Notable partnerships between DeFi platforms and conventional finance institutions exist. Compound Treasury was created as an institutional gateway by Compound, a DeFi lending protocol. S&P Global Ratings gave this platform a credit rating, emphasizing its capacity to fulfill financial obligations. French financial bank SocGen has applied for MakerDAO to accept its on-chain digital covered bonds, demonstrating the openness of conventional institutions to De-Fi protocols.


The growing interest of traditional financial institutions in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency signifies a major shift in the perception and acceptance of digital assets. BTC’s role as a store of value and gateway to the crypto market has attracted institutions seeking diversification and exposure to this emerging asset class.



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