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Could an Ethereum (ETH) breakout be upon us?

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts are anticipating a potential Ethereum (ETH) breakout as Bitcoin prepares for a bullish run. This article analyzes market conditions, technical indicators, and expert opinions to investigate the possibility of an Ethereum breakout in the near future.

Understanding Market Dynamics

When comparing the price movements of Bitcoin and Ethereum over the past few months, it becomes evident that Bitcoin has been outperforming its counterpart. Bitcoin has experienced a staggering 100% upward move since the beginning of the year, while ETH has only gained around 50% during the same period. Additionally, Bitcoin’s recent rally of 28% in the last two weeks surpasses ETH’s 16% increase. With such price action in favour of Bitcoin, it begs the question: is it time for Ethereum to make its move?

Examining Ethereum’s Price Action

ETH is currently in a large upward-sloping channel, with its price reaching the bottom two weeks ago at just over $1,500. It has broken a down-sloping trendline and encountered the 200-day moving average (MA), acting as a significant resistance level. In a 4-hour time frame, ETH’s price is closely hugging the MA, intersecting the bull flag pattern about one-third of the way up from the flat bottom. A measured move for the bull flag would be north of $2,000, suggesting ETH could be returning to the top of its channel.

The Importance of Ethereum’s Momentum

For a sustained bull market in the cryptocurrency space, Ethereum needs to gather momentum and showcase its strength. While Bitcoin has already broken through heavy resistance and the all-important 200-week moving average, Ethereum is yet to make a similar move. If ETH manages to break above its current resistance levels and the 200-day MA, it could pave the way for a significant upward move.

The Reversal and Bounce for the Ethereum/Bitcoin Pair

To fully gauge Ethereum’s potential, we must also consider its performance against Bitcoin. Three weeks ago, ETH broke down out of a downward-sloping wedge pattern, which is generally considered bearish. However, the price has managed to hold at a convergence of support and an upsloping trendline that dates back to early September 2019. This area acts as a crucial line in the sand for ETH. If Ethereum can reverse its downward trend against Bitcoin and bounce back, it could signal a shift in momentum and a potential breakout for the digital asset.

Ethereum: Factors Influencing Potential Breakout

Multiple factors contribute to ETH’s potential breakout. Here are some key elements to consider:

The ETH price can be predicted by market sentiment, institutional interest, network activity, and technical indicators. Positive news, increased adoption, and regulatory developments can boost market sentiment, potentially leading to a breakout. Institutional investors could bring liquidity and stability to the ETH market. Network activity, such as increased usage, transaction volumes, and decentralized application adoption, can also provide insights into potential breakouts. A combination of positive technical signals could support a potential breakout.


As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, Ethereum remains a prominent player with the potential for a breakout. While Bitcoin has been stealing the spotlight recently, ETH’s unique features and upcoming upgrades make it an asset to watch closely. By analyzing the market dynamics, technical indicators, and expert opinions, we can see that ETH is on the verge of a potential breakout.



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