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Artificial Intelligence

AI News: Philippine Military Stopped Using AI Due To Security Risks

The Philippine military has been ordered to avoid using Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications for personal portraits due to security concerns, highlighting the need for vigilance in the digital age as the use of Artificial Intelligence technology has revolutionized various industries.

The Order to Halt the Use of AI

Defence Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. issued an order directing all defence and military personnel to avoid using Artificial Intelligence photo generator applications. The app requires users to submit at least 10 pictures, creating a digital person mimicking their speech and movements. Teodoro Jr. emphasized privacy and security risks.

Understanding the security risks of AI

Artificial Intelligence-powered applications, while seemingly harmless and entertaining, can pose significant threats to individuals and organizations. The ability to generate realistic digital personas raises concerns about impersonation and the creation of fake profiles. In the context of the military, this becomes a critical issue as it can compromise national security and disrupt military operations.

AI: Identity theft and social engineering

One of the primary risks associated with Artificial Intelligence applications is identity theft. With the ability to create digital personas that closely resemble real individuals, malicious actors can exploit these profiles for fraudulent purposes. This includes accessing sensitive information, conducting social engineering attacks, and even infiltrating the military’s internal systems.

Phishing attacks and malicious activities

Artificial Intelligence-generated profiles can also be utilized for phishing attacks, where unsuspecting individuals are tricked into revealing confidential information or downloading malware. By leveraging the trust associated with seemingly genuine profiles, hackers can manipulate users and gain unauthorized access to sensitive military networks and data. This can have severe consequences, compromising military intelligence and potentially endangering national security.

The Need for Vigilance in the Digital Age

Secretary Teodoro Jr.’s order emphasizes the importance of vigilance in sharing information online. While Artificial Intelligence technology offers numerous benefits, it also requires careful management to mitigate potential risks. In response to the increasing threat of cyber attacks, the military is establishing a cyber command to enhance its defences. This proactive approach acknowledges the need for specialized personnel who can combat the evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Creating a Cyber Command for Online Defense

To bolster its capabilities against cyber attacks, the Armed Forces of the Philippines is creating a cyber command. This strategic initiative aims to attract online experts who possess the necessary skills to defend against sophisticated cyber threats. General Romeo Brawner Jr., the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, acknowledges the changing nature of warfare and the importance of adapting to these new challenges. By recruiting cyber warriors and focusing on online defence, the military aims to stay ahead of potential adversaries.

Relaxing Recruitment Rules to Attract Online Experts

In the process of establishing the cyber command, the military recognizes the need for a different skill set compared to traditional infantry battalions. General Brawner Jr. emphasizes that physical strength is no longer the sole requirement for modern warfare. Instead, the military seeks individuals with expertise in cybersecurity, computer science, and other related fields. By relaxing recruitment rules, the military aims to attract talented individuals who can contribute to the defence against cyber threats.

The Philippine military has banned Artificial Intelligence applications due to potential risks like identity theft and phishing attacks. To combat these threats, the military is establishing a cyber command and recruiting specialized cyber warriors. This strategic approach will ensure national security and navigate the digital era’s challenges.



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