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Bitcoin Blockchain

Bitcoin vs Bitcoin Cash: The Differences In Fungibility 

Concerns about scalability have existed ever since Bitcoin first appeared. The blockchain is a decentralized digital record that processes and stores Bitcoin transactions. A problem has arisen due to the blockchain’s poor processing speed, particularly when compared to credit card transactions. Because of this, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) was created as a substitute. This article compares the fungibility of Bitcoin (BTC) with Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and examines which cryptocurrency may be more advantageous over the long term.

The Scaling Problem

Bitcoin’s blockchain has a limited capacity to process transactions, resulting in slower verification times and higher fees. The Bitcoin network can handle about 4.43 transactions per second, whereas credit card giant Visa processes an average of 6,527 transactions per second. This scalability issue has sparked debates and prompted developers and miners to propose solutions.

Bitcoin’s blockchain has a limited capacity to process transactions, resulting in slower verification times and higher fees. The Bitcoin network can handle about 4.43 transactions per second, whereas credit card giant Visa processes an average of 6,527 transactions per second. This scalability issue has sparked debates and prompted developers and miners to propose solutions.

Bitcoin’s Approach: Segregated Witness (SegWit)

In an effort to address the scalability problem, the Bitcoin community implemented a technology called Segregated Witness (SegWit) in 2017. SegWit reduces the size of each transaction by removing signature data, allowing more transactions to fit into a block. This technological shift aimed to improve Bitcoin’s scalability by increasing the average block size.

Bitcoin Cash’s Approach: Bigger Blocks

Bitcoin Cash, on the other hand, took a different approach to solve the scalability issue. It was created by a group of miners and developers who were concerned about the future of Bitcoin. They disagreed with the implementation of SegWit and sought to increase the block size instead. Bitcoin Cash initially increased the block size to 8 MB, and later to a maximum of 32 MB, allowing for faster transaction verification and lower fees.

Fungibility Differences

Fungibility refers to the interchangeability of individual units of a currency or asset. In terms of fungibility, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash have some notable differences.

Transaction Speed and Fees

Bitcoin Cash’s larger block size allows for faster transaction processing and lower fees compared to Bitcoin. With Bitcoin’s limited block size, transactions can take several minutes or more to process, leading to longer waiting times and higher fees during periods of high network congestion. Bitcoin Cash, with its larger block size, can handle more transactions per second, resulting in shorter waiting times and lower fees.

Security and Decentralization

Bitcoin has a longer and more established history, making it the most popular and widely used cryptocurrency. It has a larger network of miners, which enhances its security and decentralization. Bitcoin Cash, being a relatively newer cryptocurrency, has a smaller network, which may make it more vulnerable to attacks. However, both cryptocurrencies utilize blockchain technology, which inherently provides a level of security and decentralization.

The Future Outlook

Bitcoin Cash offers a more efficient experience due to its larger blocks and faster transaction verification, while Bitcoin’s wider acceptance and liquidity make it more convenient. The choice between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash depends on individual preferences and use cases. Bitcoin’s stability makes it a reliable choice for long-term investments, while Bitcoin Cash is more suitable for daily transactions and microtransactions due to faster processing times and lower fees.


Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash differ in their scalability and fungibility approaches. Bitcoin uses SegWit to reduce transaction size, while Bitcoin Cash focuses on increasing block size. Both have advantages and disadvantages, with Bitcoin offering wider adoption and liquidity, while Bitcoin Cash offers faster transactions and lower fees. Understanding these differences helps users make informed decisions in the evolving cryptocurrency landscape.



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